Travel Guide For Diglipur

Diglipur is a small town located in the northern part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India. It is the largest town in the North Andaman Island and is known for its natural beauty, rich history, and diverse wildlife.

One of the most popular attractions in Diglipur is the Saddle Peak National Park, which is located in the heart of the town. The park is home to the highest peak in the Andaman Islands, the Saddle Peak, and is a great place for hiking, bird watching, and nature walks. Visitors can explore the lush forests, spot exotic birds and wildlife, and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

Another popular attraction in Diglipur is the Ross and Smith Islands, which are known for their beautiful beaches, clear waters, and abundant marine life. Visitors can enjoy swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving to explore the underwater world and see colorful fish, turtles, and other sea creatures.


For those interested in history and culture, Diglipur has several important landmarks and monuments that showcase the town’s rich history. These include the Kalipur Beach, which was used as a penal colony during the British era, and the Pathi Level Beach, which is known for its beautiful sunsets and unique rock formations.

The town is also famous for its delicious seafood and traditional Indian cuisine. Visitors can enjoy fresh seafood at local restaurants or sample traditional Indian dishes like biryani and tandoori chicken.

Diglipur is also home to a diverse array of wildlife, including rare and endangered species like the Andaman wild pig, the Andaman wild boar, and the saltwater crocodile. Visitors can explore the town’s forests and national parks to spot these exotic animals and learn more about their behavior and habitat.

Overall, Diglipur is a beautiful and diverse destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you’re interested in outdoor activities, history and culture, or just relaxing on the beach, this stunning town is a must-visit destination for any traveler looking to explore the natural beauty and rich history of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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