The Best Parks and Gardens to Visit in Greece

Greece is well-known for its historical buildings and lovely beaches, but it also has some magnificent parks and gardens. If you are planning a trip to Greece and want to discover some green landscapes, you have come to the perfect place. We will look at the top parks and gardens to visit in Greece in this article.

National Garden of Athens

The National Garden, located in the centre of Athens, is a magnificent oasis of greenery in the heart of the city. This park was previously King Otto and Queen Amalia’s royal garden, and it now contains a variety of trees, flowers, and ponds. Visitors can roam around the park at their leisure.

Diomedes Botanical Garden

The Diomedes Botanical Garden is one of Europe’s largest botanical gardens, located in Greece’s Peloponnese area. The garden contains around 1500 plant species, including rare and endangered species. Visitors to the garden can take a guided tour and learn about the many plants and their purposes.

Aristotle Park

Aristotle Park, located in the northern city of Thessaloniki, is a popular site for both locals and tourists. The park is named after Aristotle, the famed philosopher who was born in the adjacent town of Stagira. The park is home to a variety of trees, flowers, and birds, and visitors can explore many walking pathways.

Hydra Botanical Garden

The Hydra Botanical Garden, on the island of Hydra, is home to a wide range of Mediterranean flora. The garden, which opened in 1963, is a popular site for botanists and wildlife enthusiasts. Visitors can wander through the garden and learn about the many plants and their functions.

Byzantine Park

The Byzantine Park, located in Kastoria, is a magnificent green park that is home to a variety of trees, flowers, and birds. The park is named after surrounding Byzantine churches and monasteries known for their stunning murals and mosaics. Visitors can tour the park and relax in its peaceful surroundings.

Mount Olympus National Park

Mount Olympus is Greece’s highest peak, located in the northern region of Thessaly. The mountain is well-known for its part in Greek mythology and is home to a wide range of vegetation and animals. Mount Olympus National Park is a forested area that encompasses the mountain and its surroundings. Hiking around the park allows visitors to take in the breathtaking scenery.

Vassilissis Sofias Avenue

Vassilissis Sofias Avenue is a tree-lined promenade in the heart of Athens. Several parks and gardens line the route, including the National Garden and the Zappeion Garden. Visitors can appreciate the wonderful green spaces by taking a leisurely stroll down the route.

Pedion tou Areos

The Pedion tou Areos is a big park in the heart of Athens. There are many trees, flowers, and monuments throughout the park, including a statue of the Greek philosopher Socrates. Visitors can enjoy the tranquil surroundings by taking a leisurely stroll in the park.

Tatoi Royal Estate

The Tatoi Royal Estate is located in the northern suburbs of Athens and was originally the Greek royal family’s summer retreat. The estate is home to a number of gardens and parks, including the Tatoi Botanical Garden. Visitors can wander through the gardens and learn about the many plants and their uses.

Chios Park

Chios Park is a popular site for both locals and tourists on the island of Chios. The park is home to a variety of trees and plants, including the island’s famous citrus trees. There are also various walking trails where guests can explore the surrounding landscape and take in the breathtaking views.

In conclusion, Greece has several beautiful parks and gardens that are well worth a visit. There is something for everyone, from the National Garden in Athens to the Diomedes Botanical Garden in the Peloponnese. These parks and gardens are sure to impress, whether you are a nature enthusiast or simply searching for a calm refuge. So, if you’re going to Greece, be sure to include some of these green spaces in your itinerary.

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