Join the puffins on a stroll on Mykines Island

Despite being 175 times smaller than the UK, the Faroe Islands archipelago is home to over 300 different kinds of seabirds, with puffins nearly enjoying cult status. Far Western Mykines is the ideal location to observe these masters of the tourist attraction roost. The hour-long ferry ride from Vagar Island feels much longer due to the impressive sea stacks, arches, and five-peaked Tindhólmur Islet that may be seen along the way; this island is worth the trip in and of itself. Visit between May and August, get a hiking passport online (required), and stick to the well indicated walking track otherwise you’ll end up following the other puffin lovers. You couldn’t miss the puffins, so this wasn’t a “maybe you’ll see puffins” experience.

Visit “The Land of Maybe” by car

Despite their reputation as an isolated archipelago, the Faroe Islands have excellent connectivity. It may be the most northerly point of the Northern Isles, yet Cape Enniberg, the tallest sea cliff in Europe, is little over an hour’s drive from Tórshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. Enniberg rises abruptly out of the water to a height of 754m, making it one of the toughest rock climbs in the world. You probably won’t want to climb it yourself, but you can see who did if you look at The Land of Maybe.

Doze off beneath a Faroese turf roof

The turf-roofed buildings of the Faroe Islands steal the hearts of almost everyone. If you don’t see at least one islander mowing a roof in the summer, consider yourself short cheated. They compete with puffins for Instagram attention. If admiring it isn’t enough, the Hotel Froyar in Torshavn is nearly entirely covered in turf, and Airbnb offers some quite adorable turf-roofed cottages for rent all across the archipelago.

Get smitten by Faroese ponies

It’s difficult to choose just a few things that really stand out because practically everything you do here is an experience you can only have in the Faroe Islands. But it would be impossible to discuss this magnificent location without bringing up Faroese Ponies. Only 74 of this extremely rare breed are still alive today, falling 125 shy of the required number to remove them off the endangered species list. The best spot to go up close and ride them bareback is at Fjallaross near Lambafelli. They are short and shaggy and somewhat resemble Icelandic horses (the ponies are never saddled or shod). Expect enjoyment and a gentle education from the welcoming Fjallaross crew because they are committed conservationists.

Discover the most adventurous activities with Faroe Island natives

Even though the Faroe Islands are simple to navigate, they are also extremely rugged, have a complicated cultural history, and few people visit for the stunning scenery. The weather can be erratic even in the summer. Thankfully, a number of top-notch local businesses arrange small-group trips that are great for families and give you a break from driving. Experience Scenes from No Time To Die were filmed in 2020 in Mykines (puffin island), Kalsoy, and the majestic Kallur Lighthouse in the Faroe Islands. The myths, stories, and unusual history covered by Heimdal Tours should be interesting to older children. And if you’re interested in gaining a closer understanding of the enigmatic Faroe Islands, Go Local gives you your personal guide.

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